Here comes July! Wow, I just can’t believe it’s July already. It feels like forever that this pandemic has been going on. I haven’t really felt motivated with blogging these days…I don’t know if it’s because of this pandemic and not being in a routine with going to work, gym and doing normal things I was doing before the pandemic. I have been working from home for 2 months now.  I am liking it because I don’t have to get up extra early, making sure I have my lunches/snacks together and rushing out to beat the traffic. I don’t miss those mornings at all and just enjoying this new normal for now. Some days I have my moments that I feel bored at home, I really miss the gym because I hate working out at home. I miss seeing people and having some social contact. The only people I have social contact with are my mom, sister and bro in law which are my inner circle…so I have been hanging out at my mom’s backyard and swimming in her pool, doing water exercises. I haven’t seen any of my girlfriends or my relatives. We all are taking COVID19 seriously and this virus is extremely contagious, some have it worse than others and are never the same after catching the virus from what I’ve read up on articles. It’s scary shit and it’s no joke! I know at some point when things get back to normal and workplaces reopen I would probably feel ready, but I may have a hard time getting back to the old routine but I am hoping it will be different. I also have been dealing with fatigue again, allergies have been bad this year for me and anxiety has been kicking in. So sometimes I get so paranoid about COVID19 and constantly washing my hands after being out or touching something like mail, gas pumps and bank machines. I don’t know if maybe the anxiety is taking the best of me because I worry a lot about this virus because I have a compromised immune system and hear horror stories of people who have a compromised immune system catching COVID19. I try not to think too much about it and do something to get my mind off of it. 

Moving onto another subject…I have rounded up a variety of comfy jumpsuits to wear at home or out doing errands. Some are more pricey than others but usually the pricey ones are better quality. I have ordered cheaper black jumpsuits similar to this one last summer but had to return it because the fabric was too thin where you can see through in the butt area.  I know a lot of us have not been dressing up and just wearing comfy clothes. This jumpsuit I am wearing is super comfy and not see through which is a bonus! I purchased this through Vici back in January because they sell out quickly if you wait too long. Head over to my if you are looking for comfy jumpsuits! 

Happy shopping and stay safe as always! Xo

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11 Comments on

  1. Jennifer Prince
    July 9, 2020 at 3:20 am (5 years ago)

    I love your off the shoulder one! And basic black can be dressed up or down. What a great choice!!

    • Helena Marz
      July 10, 2020 at 2:31 am (5 years ago)

      Thank you Jennifer! xo I agree it can be dressed up or dressed down…that’s what I love about it!

  2. Angela Ricardo Bethea
    July 9, 2020 at 11:45 am (5 years ago)

    All those jumpsuits look so amazing and you are looking gorgeous in that outfit hun.

    • Helena Marz
      July 10, 2020 at 2:29 am (5 years ago)

      Thank you so much Angela! xo

  3. Stephanie
    July 9, 2020 at 4:15 pm (5 years ago)

    I’m glad you’re taking extra precautions to avoid spreading this virus. That’s really great to hear, since so many people aren’t being serious about it, and the US is still experiencing the highest number of cases in the world! I love your jumpsuit picks, as well. Cozy and perfect for wearing while chilling at home!

    • Helena Marz
      July 10, 2020 at 2:29 am (5 years ago)

      Thank you Stephanie! It really does makes a difference when people take it seriously to lower the number of cases and the virus has no where to go. I heard about the US has the highest cases and it’s scary…people need to take it seriously if they want things back to normal. You would love these jumpsuits, they would suit you and it’s super comfy! xo

  4. Jess
    July 9, 2020 at 9:52 pm (5 years ago)

    I’m still in shock that it’s July, too! It is nice that the pace of life has slowed down a bit. Love these jumpsuits! x

    • Helena Marz
      July 10, 2020 at 2:24 am (5 years ago)

      I know it’s crazy that it’s July already! I agree that it is nice that life has slowed down a bit and that’s how it should be. You would look cute in these jumpsuits! xo

  5. Jess
    July 14, 2020 at 1:20 am (5 years ago)

    Absolutely love that black jumpsuit! Quickly had to go check it out in your link because I’m so short, jumpsuits tend to not work on me, but I think this one might!

    • Helena Marz
      July 18, 2020 at 5:59 pm (4 years ago)

      You would love this jumpsuit! It’s so comfy! Hope this one fits perfectly for you! xo

  6. Deborah
    July 19, 2020 at 10:49 pm (4 years ago)

    Cute jumpsuit picks! I love the one you’re wearing!!


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